Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blindsight/Deaf-Hearing Spontaneous Composer

On July 1st, 2009, having just watched the excellent PBS Nova "Musical Minds with Dr Oliver Sacks" ( ) I felt compelled to sum myself up and ask a question on its forum:

Dr Sacks, I was born consciously blind on my right side as well as unable to understand language in my right ear. I taught myself to play the piano as a child and became adapt at spontaneous Bach-like composition before receiving any formal training. I've long believed that I would be much more impaired if it had not been for my mother's passion for reading aloud and being allowed to play -at a very young age- with her classical record collection. Now, saying "what" a lot at parties or "excuse me" to my own reflection in a full-length mirror, a lack of depth perception and an inability to think/learn in any particular linear fashion (greatly improved by the advent of computer-aided thought) are now my only bothersome disadvantages. Are there many others in my situation, or could I be of use to some study? Steff

What with all the questions submitted I'm not surprised I didn't get an answer. There may not be one. But thought I'd give it a blog and try Facebook on the off chance that this may ring a bell, so to speak, for someone else.

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