Friday, February 19, 2010

Thoughts for CPAC, Fox News, and the Secret Teabagger Funders

The self-deceived all eventually misguide their own steps into the stumbling blocks of history. But those that lie know better than anyone what the truth is. Yes, you do know what's really going on. All's fair in love, war, and the poisoned-well of politics, right?

You are a realist who even now tugs effectively at the political strings that insure your own security, your own fortunes. But how will you benefit when every greater good has been bent to accommodate your will?

What happens when that time comes when only the wealthy will be able to depend upon their own futures? How long then can you rely on the public's short memory to last? Can you really assume that the rank and file will always think with their hearts and not their heads? Especially when it is their own children who will be crying out to them, "What have you done!?"

Believe this before it is too late. You are holding now, not the reigns of power, but a match to set all our forefathers' dreams to ash. Ask yourself, how long will it be before someone blinded by the rage you yourself encourage flies a plane into your building?

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